Fibbing Friday (11/17/23)

(More Fibbing Friday tomfoolery, this one prompted by pensitivity101. I realize this is now Saturday and I’m late with my example of deceit, but I was busy yesterday premiering my short movie Escape From Jury Duty, which I’ll soon post to my site. Thanks for understanding. Link below.)

1. Macropinna Microstoma Weird pasta shape

2. Fossa The legendary director/choreographer/health nut Bob Fossa!

3. Leafy Seadragon

4. Dik-Dik Short for Rihard-Rihard

5. Lilac-Breasted Roller The latest in joint rolling technology

What’s What’s the the 6. Mata Mata With With You You?

7. Halitrephes Jelly Symptom of venereal disease

8. Pacu The mascot for Pacific University sports teams, the Fighting Crustaceans!

9. Gobi Jerboa How someone with their jaw wired shut says ‘Yogi Berra’

10. Aye-Aye Neigh-Neigh

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