Attack Of The Sea Weasel!

Otter 841 of the Monterey Bay, the rascally little carnivore who's been terrorizing surfers and stealing their boards, has the potential to be a new horror movie concept. 841 of the 831 (the local area code) has made headlines all over the world with her antics and is gaining a following. People gather on the … Continue reading Attack Of The Sea Weasel!

First Day Of Making My Short Movie

On April 28th I shot the first scenes for my short movie Sunset Memories, which I'm going to chalk up as a learning experience. I wanted to begin shooting last January but then we got deluged by multiple atmospheric rivers which put off shooting for a long time. Once we entered spring and the weather … Continue reading First Day Of Making My Short Movie

The Storm Of January ’23

The year 2023 has begun with an atmospheric river slamming the California coast which lead to flooding, mudslides, structural damages, injury, and loss of life. In between these torrents I bicycled around the Santa Cruz area to see the aftermaths. It's like nothing I've ever seen before, and there are more storms on the way … Continue reading The Storm Of January ’23

New Project: Short Movie

This summer I'm going to make a short movie. It will be my first, so I'm very excited! So far I have five pages of script, two committed actors, and a director of photography. I'll be able to rent a camera, lights, and other equipment from Community Television of Santa Cruz. The story of the … Continue reading New Project: Short Movie

Leaving Paradise: Winner

My screenplay Leaving Paradise is an award winner at the Multi Dimension International Film Festival. There are many film festivals under the Film Freeway umbrella and MDIFF is just one of them, but I'm grateful for any victory that comes my way. And this is just the beginning of the effort to get this little … Continue reading Leaving Paradise: Winner

TWENTY – Film Project

TWENTY is an in development film project about four friends from Santa Cruz who go to a Roaring Twenties party and end up in an unexpected adventure. TWENTY is a unique and inventive story conceived by Hilary Davidson (she played Celia in my Community TV show Last Call), and she'll also be directing. I'm helping her … Continue reading TWENTY – Film Project

Screenplay Finished!

In April of 2019 I posted about a new project of mine, a screenplay about a person who is trying to escape from Santa Cruz, link below for more details about the plot. At the time I posted about the screenplay it was 60 pages long and in its early planning stages.  By last … Continue reading Screenplay Finished!

Posting Because I Haven’t Posted Lately

Hi all.  I've been so busy on other writing projects that I realized I've been neglecting my website like a delinquent parent.  The shame!  So naturally I decided to write this post so I don't fall behind in the massive clutter that is cyberspace. What has happened in my life?  Not much, just enduring the … Continue reading Posting Because I Haven’t Posted Lately

Life During COVID-19

My employer sells product to hospitals so I've still been able to work during this pandemic, which gives me an opportunity to get out of the house and traverse through my less peopled city.  It is strangely calming to see so much less activity despite the circumstances, and even though being out does increase my … Continue reading Life During COVID-19

A Generous Bus Passenger

Last Thursday evening I bicycled to the Santa Cruz Metro Bus Station to catch a bus out to Soquel to watch a spoken word event.  I arrived five minutes ahead of the scheduled departure, but the bike rack on the front of the bus was already filled to its maximum capacity of three.  I queried … Continue reading A Generous Bus Passenger