Leaving Paradise: Winner

My screenplay Leaving Paradise is an award winner at the Multi Dimension International Film Festival. There are many film festivals under the Film Freeway umbrella and MDIFF is just one of them, but I'm grateful for any victory that comes my way. And this is just the beginning of the effort to get this little … Continue reading Leaving Paradise: Winner

Leaving Paradise: Finalist

My screenplay Leaving Paradise ended up being a finalist at the EdiPlay International Film Festival, the first place I ever submitted my screenplay. This has to be a good sign! Thank you, EdiPlay! Now to rewrite it and send it out again. Leaving Paradise is about a youngish man who'll be leaving Santa Cruz in … Continue reading Leaving Paradise: Finalist

99 Word Prompt: Film Festival

(This latest prompt from carrot ranch couldn't be more timely for me as will become evident in the story. Link to prompt below.) https://carrotranch.com/2021/11/04/november-4-flash-fiction-challenge-2/ The writer was checking his emails then saw one from a film festival competition where he had submitted a screenplay. Probably just another rejection, he thought, bad news can wait. He … Continue reading 99 Word Prompt: Film Festival